

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Science Fiction Becoming Science Fact

        Hollywood - Mobile telephones have gone to areas traditional phone companies can not reach (land-lines cannot go some places).  For, example a person sitting in a  restaurant in South America can now plug themselves into Hollywood, or see what's happening with the global economy. 
      Yet, even as it connects users to the wider world, wireless also enables them to get the most of their local neighborhood.  One can now do everything from looking for sale items while walking around inside the shopping mall to making airplane reservations for ones next trip.  Until recently (10 years ago) people became powerless whenever they left their home or office.  Mobile phones allow us to keep communications in our pockets. 
     Thus,we see the nature of mobile phones transcends distance (you can consult the library of Congress in Washington, D.C.) or, enhance you location (searching for sales while walking up to the store in a shopping mall).  Application program developers are constantly creating programs for people on the go.
     It took the mobile phone industry only 20 years to reach 1 billion subscribers.  It took the land-line industry more than 99 year to reach 1 billion homes around the world when telephones were first invented.  See also,

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